Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shabbat Night Live! with Michael Rood and special guest Jim Staley - Jan...


Streamed live on Jan 11, 2013
Michael will be welcoming guest Jim Staley, Hebrew roots teacher and director of Passion for Truth Ministries. Tune in to hear Jim's story of his personal journey out of paganized Gentile churchianity and grafting into the authentic Hebrew roots of the faith once delivered to the Saints. Then don't miss a motivating discussion about heeding the call of the Almighty and walking by the Spirit.

    Top Comments

    • Keaton Smith
      Jim and I share a very similar background: and I'm only 18! When I was really young, I was so interested in dinosaurs, and wanted to know how they fit with the Bible. I went from Kent Hovind, to the KJV, to the original manuscripts, to Hebrew roots. Jim Staley and Michael Rood have been the two major teachers I've listened to for the last few months. Praise YHWH!