Monday, May 14, 2012

Encyclopedia Commercial Fast track catholic training with Patrick J Miron /

  •  Remember just because you believe it Dosen't make it true..

beetlejuice writes:
He who knows well the failings of the Catholic Church," Clark told the audience, "still keeps his faith."
like priests keep hands off altar boys
fritobandito writes:
Just let it die.
naples759 writes:
santorum will make us all catholic...
it'll be the law!!!
Bramble writes:
It's amazing that this relic from the Roman Empire continues to exist and has so many flocks around the world.
unfatcat writes:
Although it may seem extreme to have Santorum be so openly Christian, when America has never elected someone before for President because of a specific faith; but we have never had a current President who has no support for "Freedom of Religion" or "One Nation Under God."
The fight for Santorum fans is not to make everyone Catholic or even Christian. It is to retain our Constitutional Right to practice whatever religion, including Atheist, we choose.
More and more (7 times that I know of so far) our justice system has already ruled in favor of Islam's Sharia Law over our U.S. Constitution; and this is not something that Americans can or will tolerate.
Jingl writes:
in response to unfatcat:
Although it may seem extreme to have Santorum be so openly Christian, when America has never elected someone before for President because of a specific faith; but we have never had a current President who has no support for "Freedom of Religion" or "One Nation Under God."
The fight for Santorum fans is not to make everyone Catholic or even Christian. It is to retain our Constitutional Right to practice whatever religion, including Atheist, we choose.
More and more (7 times that I know of so far) our justice system has already ruled in favor of Islam's Sharia Law over our U.S. Constitution; and this is not something that Americans can or will tolerate.
"More and more (7 times that I know of so far) our justice system has already ruled in favor of Islam's Sharia Law over our U.S. Constitution."
Please be specific about these rulings. I'd be interested in reading them.
Jingl writes:
My issues with the Catholic Church are many, and all of them are a result of the culture that places the welfare of the Mother Church above that of its parishioners. Generally the Church can operate doing good works without conflict, but at any time authority is questioned, it is Church over parishioner every time. For example, two separate Popes appointed several conservative commissions to study contraception and every commission returned with a recommendation to reverse the Church's position. Pope John Paul II actually doubled-down, and a culture of Priest promotion became based on their willingness to stay the course...only established in the 1960s. See: Catholics For Choice articles on history of contraception debate. Out of touch leadership has dogmatically refused to place parishioner need before self-glorification. Oh there are good works done, but only as long as they do not conflict, or God forbid, threaten, the Church. (see pedophile cover-up and transfers; see Excommunications history - ONE priest excommunicated in 2006). What we fear we draw to us. The Catholic Church fears loss of authority - and here we are.
LovesBS writes:
. . .article read more like a book signing!
Egnostics avoid the arena of religious debate.
dano5100 writes:
Voice of the "Faithful" is a tiny group of "catholic" dissidents whose objective is to attack the Church. They want to change Church teachings on homosexuality and the ordination of women. I have been to their meetings. They show videos of speeches of heretical theologians like Richard McBrien. They are a sad lot.
MisterK writes:
The ideas of this man seem like long-range, forward thinking, stabilizing concepts, resetting the foundation of the Church for future growth. I'm non-Catholic, an outside observer. I think his ideas are good for the Church.
ex31539er writes:
The Roman Catholic Church has the exact problems common to every institution on this green earth: It's peopled by a whole bunch of sinners whose inmost beings are flawed to the core.
But the church offers one thing human institutions categorically do not, the hope of ever-abounding grace despite human sin and shortcomings.
I note that a bunch of big-government aficionados jump on the Catholic Church for its arrogation of wealth, suppression of dissent, and blind-eye towards pederasty. Yet, Rome is a piker with respect to those ills when compared with the abominations of Washington and, even, Tallahassee.
Bloggers who condemn the church for its shortcomings but blindly ignore even worse frailties of human government are being utterly intellectually dishonest.
410 writes:
The Catholic Church hates abortion and birth control but condones child rape. How does this relic of an institution still have any credibility?
collegecath writes:
He doesn't represent the majority of Catholics who are satisfied being members of the church that came from the earliest Christians.
babbas writes:
The problem I have with religions takes place when zealots decide they want YOU to believe what they believe. Extremists go further with this concept and actually use violence to force their religion down your throat. Why can't people keep their beliefs to themselves, unless they are asked for it?
I personally was raised Catholic, but I am sure that Catholicism itself turned me away years ago. I do know that all living beings, the earth, and the universe all have an intelligent design to their inner and outer workings. Everything operates with a purpose, adaptabilities occur, and blood is pumped through the heart and eventually through the capillaries to feed all the cells of the body. How can we NOT have an intelligent creator?
Heraclitus writes:
Happy day before St. Patrick's Day
"For Irish and U.S. Catholics, how things change"
Heraclitus writes:
in response to dano5100:
Voice of the "Faithful" is a tiny group of "catholic" dissidents whose objective is to attack the Church. They want to change Church teachings on homosexuality and the ordination of women. I have been to their meetings. They show videos of speeches of heretical theologians like Richard McBrien. They are a sad lot.
How about Dairmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin?
SunStar writes:
It's too late. Lots of youngsters are leaving the Catholic Church for new non-denominational churches. Church badly needs people/money and hence supporting legalization of illegals. If a family contributes $5 a week that's a pretty good revenue! Child abuse, corruption scandals, using church assets (parishioners' assets) to settle law suits, and what not! Shutting down schools, hospitals! Vatican works as a political corporation lately.
dano5100 writes:
in response to Heraclitus:
How about Dairmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin?
Looks like the Irish made the same mistake we did by allowing homosexuals to infiltrate the priesthood.
anotherPOV writes:
in response to unfatcat:
Although it may seem extreme to have Santorum be so openly Christian, when America has never elected someone before for President because of a specific faith; but we have never had a current President who has no support for "Freedom of Religion" or "One Nation Under God."
The fight for Santorum fans is not to make everyone Catholic or even Christian. It is to retain our Constitutional Right to practice whatever religion, including Atheist, we choose.
More and more (7 times that I know of so far) our justice system has already ruled in favor of Islam's Sharia Law over our U.S. Constitution; and this is not something that Americans can or will tolerate.
HUH! Santorum is for the right to practice any religion but your bent out of shape because the courts have ruled that Muslims can practice theirs? Wait, don't tell me, your a Republican?
Beachtowel writes:
This guy is a hack. The church has stood for over 2,000 years & has weathered multiple storms. I think they'll do just fine.
collegecath writes:
in response to Beachtowel:
This guy is a hack. The church has stood for over 2,000 years & has weathered multiple storms. I think they'll do just fine.
True, true!
collegecath writes:
in response to SunStar:
It's too late. Lots of youngsters are leaving the Catholic Church for new non-denominational churches. Church badly needs people/money and hence supporting legalization of illegals. If a family contributes $5 a week that's a pretty good revenue! Child abuse, corruption scandals, using church assets (parishioners' assets) to settle law suits, and what not! Shutting down schools, hospitals! Vatican works as a political corporation lately.
Actually, there are more people coming into the Catholic Church than ever before. That's because the Church is returning to her original values. Many young people are becoming more involved in the Church because they know the Church doesn't change because of a poll. The non-denominational churches have a tendency to pick and choose what they like and dislike. Young people are tired of that! They want truth, and the Catholic faith comes from the earliest Christians. No playing around there!
collegecath writes:
Also, it's not like Catholics pretend nothing is wrong with anything...they accept that even their leaders are human beings, and all human beings are fallen. An organization with good values often will have unfortunate events associated with it. This is nothing new and doesn't make the organization inherently bad. For example, we know well that congressional leaders hold high and respected positions in government. But we are not strangers to the few of them who lack integrity. This does not change what the Constitution stands for. It doesn't matter how many American idiots there are-- we still love and hold the Constitution close to our hearts. It's the same with the Catholic Church. What it stands for will never be trumped by the mistakes of the people who stray.
And it especially won't be trumped by Jason Berry.
SunStar writes:
in response to collegecath:
Actually, there are more people coming into the Catholic Church than ever before. That's because the Church is returning to her original values. Many young people are becoming more involved in the Church because they know the Church doesn't change because of a poll. The non-denominational churches have a tendency to pick and choose what they like and dislike. Young people are tired of that! They want truth, and the Catholic faith comes from the earliest Christians. No playing around there!
You're so funny!
Heraclitus writes:
in response to dano5100:
Looks like the Irish made the same mistake we did by allowing homosexuals to infiltrate the priesthood.
You're kidding, right?
Are you at all familiar with the scope and depth of what went on in Ireland... and for how long?
This was not men preying on boys... it was institutionalized slavery and abuse on a national scale. It didn't happen here because we're not a Catholic country... we're a mix of religions that don't trust each other. Thank God.
And in Dermot Martin's words, the coverup means it is far from over.
Heraclitus writes:
in response to collegecath:
Actually, there are more people coming into the Catholic Church than ever before. That's because the Church is returning to her original values. Many young people are becoming more involved in the Church because they know the Church doesn't change because of a poll. The non-denominational churches have a tendency to pick and choose what they like and dislike. Young people are tired of that! They want truth, and the Catholic faith comes from the earliest Christians. No playing around there!
"What's The Fastest Growing Religion In America?"
I don't think Pew has done a recent update, but here's their data from a few years ago and I'll guarantee that, if anything, Americans have gotten more anti-religious.
Heraclitus writes:
in response to collegecath:
Also, it's not like Catholics pretend nothing is wrong with anything...they accept that even their leaders are human beings, and all human beings are fallen. An organization with good values often will have unfortunate events associated with it. This is nothing new and doesn't make the organization inherently bad. For example, we know well that congressional leaders hold high and respected positions in government. But we are not strangers to the few of them who lack integrity. This does not change what the Constitution stands for. It doesn't matter how many American idiots there are-- we still love and hold the Constitution close to our hearts. It's the same with the Catholic Church. What it stands for will never be trumped by the mistakes of the people who stray.
And it especially won't be trumped by Jason Berry.
Remember this from about 9 months ago?
"Staunchly Catholic Malta votes to legalize divorce"
Now in this case, the Church was right. It says it right there in the N.T. Jesus bitterly denounced and forbade divorce... but even Ireland, Italy and South America eventually succumbed to the preachings of the devil, as did American Protestants long ago with American Catholics following.
The Philippines still remains pure.
What does the American Constitution say about divorce? Maybe if a Conservative Catholic gets in, we can finally ban divorce?
hrh writes:
in response to beetlejuice:
He who knows well the failings of the Catholic Church," Clark told the audience, "still keeps his faith."
like priests keep hands off altar boys
That Bish Club Kool-Aid sure is powerful stuff.
Mulligan65 writes:
Born, baptized, and raised Catholic. The church has become a dinosaur. Let's start with the under the table mafia bribe the church refers to as an annulment.

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